Gluten free Pizza

Gluten Free Help Info (photo)

Gluten Free Help Info (photo)

It is funny how once you are not allowed to eat something you crave it all of the time. I have been craving pizza for weeks, I even had a dream about eating pizza last night, pretty embarrassing, but true. One good thing about being gluten-free is that most restaurants are getting on board and creating gluten-free menus. There are a decent amount of places that have gluten-free pizza too, but incase you are in the mood to stay home for dinner, I have an easy gluten-free pizza recipe for you.

Ingredients for Pizza Crust:

There are a few different options,
– you can buy a pre-made crust at the store.
– making a crust out of a mix purchased at the store.
– Using gluten-free ingredients and making the crust from scratch.
Tip- getting a thin crust will usually work better because gluten-free can be tricky and a thick crust can be doughy.

Ingredients for topppings:
– Soy/rice cheese (if you are looking for a dairy free pizza as well, other wise use regular cheese, but check the label in case of gluten)
– Tomato sauces
– Vegetables
– Meats (organic)
– any other gluten-free topping you would like

1. Bake crust according to instructions on the package.

2. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

3. Apply sauce, cheese, and toppings, in whatever order you would like.

4. Bake the pizza for approximately 10 minutes.

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